
Birdnest Product

Edible Birdnest Processing

Edible Birdnest processing goes through several standardized processes:

  • 1.

    Nest Sorting

    Raw materials are sorted based on feather type, shape, and color.

    Nest Sorting
  • 2.


    We use flowing water to soften the nests and remove physical contaminants. The water used in the cleaning process is monitored for pH and TDS quality.

  • 3.

    Feather Removal

    Our trained staff meticulously handpick the remaining feathers to ensure no feathers are left. The nests are then dried in a special room.

    Feather Removal
  • 4.

    Nest Grading

    Nests are assessed based on physical appearance and color, then grouped into specific categories.

    Nest Grading
  • 5.

    Sterilization Process

    The bird nests are sterilized using a steam system at a specific temperature.

    Sterilization Process
  • 6.


    Bird nests that meet our standards are packed and ready to be shipped to customers.


Edible Birdnest Products

Perfect Cup-Shaped

Perfect cup-shaped swallow bird nests are formed into a bowl shape. These nests, with their perfect form, are highly valued and considered the highest quality in the market, fetching the highest prices. They are processed naturally without any chemicals.


Triangular-shaped swallow bird nests are formed in the corners of houses, creating a triangular shape. These nests are also highly valued and are meticulously processed to retain high nutrition, making them a premium choice.


Strip-shaped swallow nests are formed from flattened cup-shaped or triangular nests. These nests offer a good option for customers looking for quality swallow bird nests.

Small Broken Pieces

Small broken pieces are obtained from the lower part of the nests, attaching to the walls. These pieces are known for being the hardest and are more affordable while maintaining the same quality.

Yenping Nests

Yenping nests, or crushed nests, consist of fragments that have been processed into a softer form, making them suitable for mixing with beverages or food.


Markas Walet's products have been certified to ensure the best quality and authenticity for customers.

Sertifikasi NKV
Sertifikasi HCCP

Target Countries for Sales

As an export company, Markas Walet has exported its products to various countries around the world.




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